To create an article, click on the “New” icon in the navigation bar, then select “Article.”
Once you do this, the new article window will appear.
You will see the following fields:
Slug: This is the title that CEO will give to an article. You will need to know the slug to search for your article after you save it, so name it something relevant to your story that you will remember.
Headline: The headline that will appear for this article on your website. Try and make it catchy and concise. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter will cut headlines off after 70 characters.
URL: CEO will automatically generate a URL based on the headline you give your article. If you want it to be something different, you can edit after you save your article for the first time.
Subhead: This is an optional, additional header to your story. Subheads might now show up on your site depending on how it was designed.
Authors: This is where the author's name goes. If you add two names, CEO will automatically add an “and” between them once the article is live.
Content type: We'll want to leave that set to "article" for now.
Template: Depending on the templates you have saved for your site, you can change how this article will appear. Don’t have any special templates? Contact SNworks and we can make you some cool ones!
Tags: Tags are how content is organized in CEO and on your site. Your organization will have a list of recognized tags you can use to have content appear in different sections on your site. If you want new sections, and thus new tags for your site, contact SNworks.
Content: This will be your main text editing interface. Check out this Help article to get a closer look at it.
Abstract: This is the summary of your article that will show up in URL previews shared on social media, on Google searches and on your website, if it’s designed to display them.
Meta Properties: Meta tags allow you to change the presentation of the article when it's published on your site. You can change text formatting, how your article format pictures, and do other things with meta tags.
Save and Check In: As with anything, make sure to save often when writing your article. When you’ve finished filling out at the necessary fields for your article, be sure to save and check in the article.
Versions: When you save an article in CEO, you can go back and see the history of changes made to the article. When you click on the versions link, you’ll see a pop-up window where you can click through to see all the changes and edits that were made to an article since the original was saved in CEO.
Workflow Status: Here you can change the status of your article or post as it moves through your publication cycle. Changing the statuses will help you and your team organize and locate the content in CEO's search system.
Update from Print: If you are using CEOConnect with this story and changes have been made in InDesign or InCopy, you can click on this button to pull the changes from CEOConnect to the web version.
Dominant Media: This option will allow you to attach photos, galleries and videos to your article.
The Add Media window will allow you to search for media by keyword, tag, author and file name. You can also sort media by type.
Export: You can export CEO content to email or Microsoft Word formats.
Clear Lock: If another user is checked into content, you can clear the lock on it by pressing this button. All of the edits the other user made will not be saved. Only users with admin and super-editor permissions can clear locks on content.
Delete: You can delete content in CEO by clicking and holding the delete button. This cannot be undone.
Publish: To the right of the article fields, you will see the publish button. Only certain CEO users have the power to publish content. Learn more about that here.
To create a blog, select the “New” icon in the navigation bar and then click on “Blog.”
From there, just write your blog! The writing and editing interface and the publishing process is the same as it was for articles.
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