In addition to the content you can upload directly into CEO, other content can be embedded into individual article pages.
To embed a Tweet in CEO, get the embed code of the Tweet you're looking to put in your article.
Copy the embed code. Then, go to your article and click the embed box in the text editing toolbar. Paste the code and your Tweet will show up in your article.
In addition to Tweets, you can embed Youtube videos and pretty much any other media by copying and pasting the embed code.
Embedding documents (Scribd)
If you’d like to embed a PDF document in an article, you can use Scribd, a free service that will generate a chunk of code you simply copy and paste into the embed box in CEO’s content field. To do this, create an account for your organization on Scribd, and follow this How-To.
Embedding interactive multimedia
To embed an interactive timeline, map, or any other code you’d like to be included in your article, simply copy and paste the code into the embed window in CEO. Some popular free applications our clients use to enhance their stories are Google Maps, Timeline.js, Storymap.js, Juxtapose.js and Infogram.
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